I am about to get on the 16hr train from Sydney to Brisbane but I wanted to take the time to thank Chazza and her brother for allowing me to stay with them for a week. I will never forget the time that I got to spend with them. Chazza's entire family and group of friends took me in and made me part of the group with no questions asked. I felt completely at home from day one and that made traveling so great. They are the greatest group of people that you could ever meet and I am glad that I had the time to get to know them.
To Chaz...
I had so much fun hanging with you. I was ecstatic when you decided to come to hang in Sydney with me, it made the trip sooo much more fun! You, your family and friends will always have a place to stay if you come to Cali so never hesitate to ask. Now you go rock up to the hotties like Missy Elliot!
Love ya,
AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW Janie my family all love you and you can't escape us now hehehehe. U always have a place here and spending the past week n a half with u has been one of the best holidays i've ever had! Thanx soooo much for everything. I love ya sis!
AWWWWWWWWW.... You guys are making me SICK! All this "You're the best"... "No, You're the best".... ick! ha, ha.
I want to see more pictures from you guys! That is a request (I'll beg... on my knees if you please).
Safe travels Janie!
aww, youre too cute!!!! :) i fucking MISS YOU so get your ass back to cali!!!! oh, btw, i got friday off. :)
Chiming in with the awwwwwwwwwwwws.
Have a great train ride and let us know how many old men or hot babes hit on you during the 16 hours.
I want the full slide show when you get back...and no editing...
Jodi, when I read that I was in awe!
and laughing my arse off.
miss you!
I hope the train ride was fun and sleeping was easy. You two are so flippin cute, it's sickening. :)
new SISTAcast up...finally. have a good week.
I'm not going to reiterate the awwwws, so I'll just say hello :)
Just thought I'd give you an update: I'm back home and had a great weekend and got to catch up with my lovely awesome peeps wahooo!
Janie called this morning she arrived safely in Queensland she's on a farm pickin up poo. I know wat ur thinking, Janie doing physical labour??? WTF??? AHAHAHAHAHAH I laughed too!
Hope everyone's doing well
I promise to add more pics, and I promise to respond to comments.
I wasn't able to sleep at all so I have been up for over 30 hrs now coupled with the shit shoveling, horse brushing and picture taking I am wrecked. Plus cold medicine, alergy meds and beer I am ready pass out.
Love ya all heaps,
Awwwww, Janie.
Sounds like both my girls need some chicken soup and a box of Kleenex...
Hugs for both of you and hope you feel better soon.
~Da Mins. xo
Mmmmmmm Chicken soup.... yummy!! Not to mention itz freekin cold in Melbourne. More dvdz and the heater for me.
mmmmmmm soup... i mean noodle soup! DAMNIT!
Awww why??? Well :p to you cause I'm eating some right now!!!
I miss my sis!!! Boo.
Hope Janie and Chazza are feeling better. Let me know if you need tea and toast.
~Minnie Mom
I miss you!!!
Hope you're well!
I miss little Janiekins...little tear...
Janie, I went bowling tonight and thought of you! It was tons of fun, but now I smell like a bowling alley. My high score was a 76 with two frames left (we ran out of time). Not bad considering I haven't bowled in about six years. :)
Aussie Cast no. 8 is up!!!
New CaliLove cast is up
I'm late again, I swear I'm losing it, keep thinkin I comment when I don't!
Yeah..so..a comment..um..AWWW!
Your back now tho so woo hoo!
New look...I like!
But I'll still piss off and come back later ;)
roses are red
turquoise is in,
though usually,
i prefer gin.
"p-p-p-p-p-p-p-piss off, lou!"
ooh love the new template!
can't wait for your next cast. :)
Welcome home, your casts w/ Chazza absoultely hysterical. Rest up and podcast soon. Later
New Chillax Cast with kev is up!!
You're rockin' this new template!!
Signgirl- I'm glad u liked our joint podcasts! It was all Janie she is quite fucking hysterical!
Hey. I like the new layout of your site. I have a little something for you on my blog; check it out. Hope you enjoy it.
Later :)
Does it make anyone else sad when you come here and it's still the same post?
Don't get me wrong it's a lovely picture but...
Yes Jayneeey it makes me very very sad to not see a new post too!
Aussie Cast no. 9 and 90's Kelkian Tribute Album too... a lil special treat!
best regards, nice info
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