**Word of warning... We did this cast with a headset and to get both of us we had to hold it up. The whole thing has crappy mic fiddling sounds and I am sorry but there wasn't much I could do about it under the circumstances.
I love you all heaps and I know that we did not do shoutouts but we ran really long and we will catch you all on our next casts. I will also answer the questions that were sent that we missed.
Love Miguel and Whore-Hey
1st Comment! Woo-hoo!
Slut - nice picture! Sweet!
:: downloading ::
Will listen tomorrow!!
Miss you guys! But I'm sure you're having fun WITHOUT us all!
can't wait to listen... :)
Woot! Woot! Woot!
Third Comment!
I know I will like this heaps!
Quick comment..it's HALF 5 in the am here!
Some brill quotes from this one
"Kiss my ass - no get away!"
"dude smell it"
"does insanity run in your family"...."no it starts with me and ends with me"..just checkin'"
And it's MAAAzda not Mozda!!
Quay..lmao!! Aww and a mini-mutley..i miss mutley!
Love you guys, you crack me up, live, recorded, sober, drunk, tired or hyper and any and all combinations of the afore mentioned!!! :)
I cannot improve up on Jodi's comment!
::bows to my pal Jodi::
Hey, I'm listening, I'm listening right this very minute. I'm up to food porn.
Glad you are taking lots of pictures...
I'm listening to the story...about the thing...
Sounds like you guys are having a great time!! The stories were hilarious.
hello there! I haven't introduced myself to you yet...I'm dutchie and I loved the podcast that you did with Chazza! You two are hilarious :D! Especially when you two were telling the story about the 'thing' in the drawer next to tha friggin' bible...omg that story was hilarious :D! Hope you're enjoying your time in aussie land! C-Ya!
just finished listening to this cast. i agree with lballer, you both sounded like you were having a blast.
i really liked that song at the end. "give it to me baby. uh huh. uh huh."
have fun during the rest of your vacation!
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Excellent, love it! »
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