Can I help it if the ever so courteous staff at my local Starbucks knows me by name? Is it my fault that they know exactly what I order? It is a very well oiled system that we have worked out that involves very little communication in that most critical point in the morning.
I was discussing this with someone tonight and they asked me to tally up how much this coffee love of mine costs me so I did. Now granted there are items on the Starbucks menu that can be pricy but I do not order such items. I am a coffee girl, regular coffee.
So... Here is what I worked out...
I visit this place of worship everyday, however lately it has been twice a day. I order a Venti mild drip coffee, which due to a recent price increase (I was not pleased) comes to $1.85. I would say that roughly 1/3 of my trips involve me camping for a bit to read the paper or something of that nature. On these trips I will get a refill of this Venti cup at $0.50 (This is where you see real savings so I say get the refill.) Using the standard 30 day month as a guide we could say that I make 60 trips to Starbucks a month, one third of which would include a second cup of coffee. This comes to 80 cups. So… 60 cups at $1.85 and 20 cups at $0.50 comes to: "HOLY FUCKING HELL I SPEND THAT MUCH!" if I am not mistaken.
Check my math.
It is coffee that makes me even remotely human in the morning. So whatever the cost I feel it is worth it... and so do my coworkers.
U spend almost $1500 on coffee a year??? Thatz craziness... thats, thats, thats a trip to AUS!!!! OMG! hehehe And u still won't give it up cause it is worth it to you right? Of course
Well enjoy ur $1500 worth of coffee and not comming to visit me!
BOO TO U! hehe kidding
Love ya
janie get a new pot for your coffee machine already . . . you can save money and have coffee at 2 o’clock in the morning. and get yourself a cute girl that brings the coffee to bed . . . that’s better than getting ready and leaving the house ;)
see there are a lot of benefits . . . but don`t stop drinking coffee ( two mugs a day are actually healthy) . . . a grumpy slut is no fun
hehe the physicist likes the title ;)
I once tried to work out how much a year I spend on trips to the cinema....it hurt my head and my mental bank balance so I stopped, lol!
"a grumpy slut is no fun" - AMEN! or -AMY!
Dear Janie,
Here is my plan to fix your Starbucks problems. Currently, I am drinking a venti iced vanilla latte (there are other specifications on this drink but I wont bore you with it). Now, this latte, as well as the pretty cup I bought because I couldn't resist, was free. Why? Because I have a Starbucks credit card. You get 1% back on all purchases towards free coffee. I realize you may have a card that gets you fancy airline miles, but Starbucks is instant gratification. This may help your many coffee problems. Give it some thought.
P.S. Is it really possible for you to be human? I believe strongly in the wonderful powers of coffee, but even that has its limits.
math only cause problems - no good!
my coffee == my gas!
-not a morning person
The fact that you drink normal drip coffee makes me not want to think how much I spend at Starbucks. My drinks cost more around $3. I do agree with the well oiled machine though. I love my Starbucks and I study there sometimes so it works out. As I write this I'm actually drinking Starbucks drip (my club sold Starbucks coffee at a fundraiser and had the equivalent of a 2 liter bottle left so I took it!).
Coffee alternative for those non-coffee drinkers: I sometimes order a grande earl grey tea with steamed nonfat milk and sugar free vanilla syrup. It's a yummy earl grey tea latte basically (but not as unhealthy as Coffee Bean b/c they use all that powder). Also, they just charge me for the tea bag ... though the new workers charge for a "tea misto" which is like 50 cents more.
excuse me while i interject:
grey - what are the specifications on your drink? nonfat? sugar free vanilla? yes, janie, sign up for the visa duetto card.
sissi "not a morning person" person- gas is good, in the non petrol form. keep drinking!
bizzle -pfff. new workers. they know nothing! have you tried the green tea latte?
Haha ... yes! The new baristas are not so good! I've been going to my local Starbucks so long that I've remained a customer while most baristas have come and gone. But we do have some fun baristas who sing and dance!
Yes, I've tried the green tea latte. I can only drink it if I'm in the mood because the melon syrup gets at me sometimes. I do enjoy tea lattes though!
Starbucks Gossip blog has a post about the price increase:
(yes, I read a blog about Starbucks. I'm that lame)
awwwww i think that new baristas are the best. tip the new baristas! oooh and flash them a little smile, like i do
My name is seymour and I'm a starbucks addict.
If I don't stop on my way to work, it drips from my kitchen coffee pot. But I prefer stopping on my way to work so that I can enjoy a grande (sometimes venti, you know it just depends), non-fat latte AND a cute barista smile. Sometimes I can smile my way to one on the house. Now THAT makes for a good morning!
My friend's brother used to work at a Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf and he is now engaged to one of his "customers."
so I guess you never know where that smile will lead!
smile at your barista!
I love coffee and it is all worth it!!!!!
Although my ritual is grinding my own beans each morning...unless I run to Starbucks or Caribou coffee.
janie...that was a very amusing post. Im going to agree with amy and say that you should just get yourself a damn coffee pot! it will come in handy next time you have guests over that just want coffee at 2am. :D
Plus...i might want to bring some kahlua and bailys and you dont have coffee. so sad. woulda made a good drink.
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